The Appbot Citrix Application Streaming to App-V 5 migrator has in the version 1.1, a commandline enhancement.

Now we can automatic convert a hole folder with citrix packages to App-V 5. With this extension you can migrate 100 packages in one day!

These packages must be tested. With individual adjustments, the success rate can be improved if a package does not work.

The following script is an example of the extension 

# Citrix Application Streaming to App-V - Commandline extension
# Syntax :: AppBotStr2AppV -ProfilePath <PATH_TO_THE_PROFILE_FILE> ...
# All parameters:
# -projectpath :: Path to the projectfolder (created, if not exist).
# 				The defaultpath is %mydocuments%\ctxstr2msi\Projects\PROFILENAME
# -autostart :: Automatic start of the conversion
# -ConvertAppV ::Try to vonvert to app-v 5 (only on a App-V 5 sequencer
# -autoexit :: Automatic exit this application after the conversion
# -ignorerrors :: No messages and no errors - the program go on

start-process .\AppBotStr2AppV.exe -ArgumentList (
	"-ProjectPath","C:\temp\testproject2" ,"-autostart" ,"-autoexit") -Wait

Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")